Waffle Blog

waf·fle,1 A light crisp battercake baked in a waffle iron.
waf·fle,2 Evasive or vague speech or writing.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Network MP3 Player

This mp3 player [MP3elf]
was recently featured on the hack-a-day blog, is a pretty clever little jem, capapble of revieveing streamed audio across a network and then pumping it into a sterio or for amplification. Its licensed via BSD so its all open source, which of course means that all the plans are free to download if you wish to build one from scratch instead of buy one or buying a kit.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Goowy Media?

Today I stumbled upon a nice little article on the Read/Write web giveing Goowy.com a very nice review. I had created an account in past months but since have navigated away from it due to its slugish loading times on my home network. But from the looks of the review, the features have improved a good bit, and Im on my way over to check it out.

Reposted Hack podcasts

So call it unoriginal, this is simply a post concerning the recent Hack-a-Day podcast post, for those who enjoy your podcasts, and are looking for some more geeky content, this is for you. enjoy!

Hack-A-Day podcast post

Why so plain?

In celebration of CSS

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Get Naked Holiday

Dustin Diaz has birthed a new holiday. And its catching on in the web development world like crazy. April 5th (significance uknown) Dustin has designated as the date for CSS developers and coders to strip the styles from their website(s) and bear it all to the intnernet world. I for one will be participating.

More info:

Monday, April 03, 2006

This weekend's reading: Takeing profesional photos

I was browseing through the archives of stock photography at the Stock Exchange website, looking for good inspiration and well, photos. And I ran across this tip/tutorial for creating Profesional Photos.

When taking your own photos, you want lots of light - but not direct light. Direct light will cause harsh shadows, which you don’t want. DO NOT USE A FLASH! Flashes wash out colors and details – and even the entire photo if you are taking close up shots.

Along with giveing relistic advice on simple photography, it allso walks through te process of creating a simple (and budgeted) light box for creating a diffused lighting eviornment
check out the post here [Takeing profesional Photos without the profesional]

Same Ol'

Finaly have gotten around to posting some of my sketches, this is just another anssignment I drew out of a National Geographic, it looks grainy here, much cleaner as an original.

As for my weekend, its been business as usuall, still working on completeing this Chemistry Made Simple course.