Waffle Blog

waf·fle,1 A light crisp battercake baked in a waffle iron.
waf·fle,2 Evasive or vague speech or writing.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Get Google calendar into Rainlendar (Old idea, new twist)

Its rather an old idea, getting your google calendar to appear in your Rainlendar calendar on your desktop. Before the problem has simply been solved with a combination of wget for windows and a small batch file consisting of the commands required to fetch the private URL of the google ical calendar and export it to a file. After this of course the file is included in the list of .ics files for the Ical plugin (within Rainlendar) to import/use.

All this is well and good and works very effectively. But the catch is that since the batch file must be manually run, you have the choice of either navigating to the location of the file and running it (either through the command line or windows explorer) or creating a shortcut to be place on the desktop or quick launch toolbar. Obviously navigation to the file itself is cumbersome and time consuming, So I opted for placing a shortcut on my quick launch toolbar. However, again I become a stickler for optimization, I've never really liked the icon windows associates with batch files, so here is where my own personal twist comes into the whole mess.

At this point I felt then need to create my own program to execute wget. Creating a binary for this solves two (maybe more) problems. One, it ads a level of security for your private calendar address as binaries can be encrypted/scrambled to hide compiled text. Second, it allows you to include an icon for the binary file (not possible with batch files without system mods). Also since you are creating a binary file, you could take this project one step further (depending on your skill with the windows API) and include several registry entries to make this program run as a windows dialog or even as a background process eliminating the new window all together.

In all it the main C source file is composed of about 5 or so lines of actual code:

#include stdio.h
#include "resource.h"

int main(){
system("wget -b -O gencall.ics http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/therestoftheprivatadress");
The resource.h file of course declares several constants for the inclusion of the resource file. The resource file of course being the file which connects the program with the icon to be associated with the end binary. All this took about 10 minutes in VBC++6, mostly comprising of fixing simple errors and creating the icon. All in all, making for a Farley affective quick hack.

Post containing instructions for creating the batch hack

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Death of the Internet [YouTube movie]

Makeing its round on the del.icio.us popular feed is this video...

Eye opening to say the least.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Free BSD is gearing up

Unless you've been under a rock during the last few years, you know about the mess that Linux has been stirring up around the world. So much so that it has pushed the older players in the open source OS business to the back burner. Well FreeBSD has apparently taken the time off to gear up for serious competition.

The inspiring digg article

The original artical on News.com

For those of you who are unfamiliar with FreeBSD (or the whole BSD family). It is IMHO a very superior operating system to the Linuxs currently flying out of the compilers now days. Its documentation is excelent, simplicity and standardization on every corner, and above all, it just works like it is supposed to.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Securing email, the realm of pgp encryption

In an ever changeing world in which identity theft is becoming common place and more and more personal information is being exchanged across the internet. The need to secure transaction becomes a very high priority. Que entrance: Cryptography. Its the ultimate solution to security, to display sensitive information in a seamingly meaningless form to "outsiders", and still retain meaning and content to the select "insiders". Todays post concerns a supriseingly insecure mode of interaction, email.

PGP has become one of the most popular modes of encrypting email. PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, a humble name considering there have been no reported instances in which it has been cracked, and was developed in 1991 by Phil Zimmermann. However today the (original) technology is corprately owned. But not to worry, the GNU organization has produced an open source (free) alternative.

Enough history, lets get to emplementing it. First off this requires you to have an email account which allows external access, or allows you to access mail through an email client such as Thunderbird, which coincidentally, is what I recomend you use for this project, along with the EnigMail plugin, and finally the last thing you will need to install is a PGP package, you have a choice of using the corporate PGP [owned by McAfee] version or OpenPG [distributed by GNU]

After succesfully installing the above mentioned software, you will want to set the pgp executable path in EnigMail (this of course should be in the direcotry which you sintalled your pgp software to). Next you can create your encryption key pair and export you're public key for distribution to friends/clients (thus enabling them to send encrypted messages to you).

For more info and in depth reading:

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Resurection of a mind

So with the closeing of another school year comes the opening of new oportunity, that is, the begining of summer. So as a public notice, this blog may have to serve as a buffer for my thoughts and projects that will ievitably take palce over the summer. This being so due to the prolonged downtime of my website, and proven unrealiablity of such hosting. So for now this blog will have to do as an idea board and the like.

Bring on the summer!!

Resurection of a fortress


I found out today that the Icefortress will remain online and in all practicall senses active. I have aparently missed some turmoil, as after the "demolition notice" was given I pretty much wrote off the board as lost. However this was before I had read the history of the group. So needless to say this news find will ad much activity to the upcomeing summer.


Exams are next week.